The Illusion of Rationality

The Illusion of Rationality

The Illusion of Rationality Cognicent | 31, May, 2024 | Newsletter Earlier this year, the world farewelled a giant in the world of psychology, Daniel Kahneman. His work on decision-making and judgement spanning 50 years, shaped our understanding and opened our eyes to...
Our Need for Meaning and Purpose

Our Need for Meaning and Purpose

Our Need for Meaning and Purpose Cognicent | 26, April, 2024 | Newsletter As a human species, we have a strong desire to make meaning of our existence. Whether it is our drive to make sense of how and why things around us happen or making sense of ourselves and why we...
High Performance and a Flourishing Culture

High Performance and a Flourishing Culture

High Performance and a Flourishing Culture Cognicent | 28, March, 2024 | Newsletter Recently I was approached by a senior leader, new to their role, and dealing with common challenges that come with a new role such as learning how the organisation works, the different...
Don’t Judge a Book by its Profile Picture

Don’t Judge a Book by its Profile Picture

Don't Judge a Book by its Profile Picture Cognicent | 28, Feb, 2024 | Newsletter Effective team dynamics are essential for fostering high performance within organisations, as they significantly impact how teams collaborate, communicate, and ultimately achieve goals....
De-Cluttering the New Year

De-Cluttering the New Year

De-Cluttering the New Year Cognicent | 30, Jan, 2024 | Newsletter Happy New Year! The holiday season for many is usually about travel, going to visit with family or friends, or getting some time away to relax and refresh. This year, I spent the holidays at home,...
Is it Really a Mistake?

Is it Really a Mistake?

Is it Really a Mistake? by Mathew Bowen | 20, Dec, 2023 | Newsletter I was recently on-site attending a pre-shift meeting, and as is customary in many such meetings, the group was asked if anyone had a Safety Share. One of the team put their hand up and spoke about an...